I have never had a job until June 25th, 2018. I applied to at least 9 different locations including Shirokiya. I never knew it would be so difficult to find a job. I got turned down by some places and the rest never responded to my application.Maybe I was suppose to check in with them but I never knew that until now. When my boss called, I did everything the same, we set up an interview with her and another boss and I hoped for the best. I was wearing an Aloha t-shirt with dress pants so I don’t think I was prepared as well as I should’ve been. When the interview started it was not like other interviews. Instead of asking questions like, “how will you improve this company?” they just asked about my resume and availability. Which is good because I didn’t do so well talking. But I got the job and I was extremely grateful for it.
At Shirokiya, I work as a dishwasher which means I don’t work for any of the vendors but I help the bars by cleaning their cups and pitchers. Usually in a days work we go out collect glasses or wait for the Janiking (Janitors) to bring it in for us. Then we clean and give it to the bars. My first days were brutal because I wasn’t use to standing for 6+ hours. The pain was intense but I got use to it within a week or so. My co-workers are great! There are no problems, they help a lot, and they all seem like really good people. It is a very simple job but I find it kind of fun. Sure, it is a little physically demanding but I love doing simple tasks that help people out. I actually prefer working to relieve the stress that I deal with in everyday life. Overall, my first working experience is better than I had expected and I hope to continue working here for at least 2 years.
Here is where you can learn more about Shirokiya.